Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Aly H.

"Say one good thing about your body every morning to yourself to start off your day with an up beat attitude!"

Cathy N

"Strong woman with true spirit and soul. Fighting a world that looks down in those with any difficulties in their life with a SMILE and a true blue red white and blue selfie. God bless you and your project very selfless of you and very interesting glad I could hopefully participate. I am me ..I am here ..still"

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Allison W.

"Sleep deprived eyes with left over mascara and no filter. 
Loving yourself is not just believing you're beautiful without a mask but taking care of yourself. 
I practice self love through making health conscious dietary choices everyday, exercising my body, and making decisions biased on what is best for myself instead of trying to please others. 
I am perfect at none of these practices but work everyday to make improvements."

Lesa M.

"Ok I've gone thru many tough times they take there tolls some self inflicted some just life the great thing is I've been and am so very blessed these wonderful things i try to dwell upon and am very grateful for having said all that i believe i am exactly who God knew and intended me to be and i am thankful for that as well."

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Jessica C.

"I find make up to be a waste of time (for the most part). The first attached pic is from mid 2015 and I was 35. The second pic (in the googles) was from August  (making me 36) and that is my most recent non-makeup selfie."

Keatynn B.

"We're all beautiful on the outside in our own way - just always remember it's what is on the inside that counts."

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chrissy B.

"Live, Laugh, Love. God created us and that alone makes us amazing!"

Taylor C.

 "Use your smile to change the world, don't let the world change your smile."

Kerri L.

"Who you are is more important than how you look."

Aaron S.

"I woke like this! No one will ever value you more than yourself, so LOVE you no matter what the day brings!"

Lolly F.

"I've always liked my smile...
 I want to add this quote too. 'Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic.' - Rosalind Russell'"

Tim H.

"In the end we are not remembered for how we looked but for how we loved."

Sam T.

"It's all about loving what you got and
rocking it" 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Rosey P.

"I wasn't going to do this, I tried really hard to talk myself out of it. But bottom line is, I don't hate myself anymore.

I love my hair. I like my nose, and kind of just my face in general. I am working on the rest."

Leanne A.

"My favorite features are my smile and my eyes."

Victoria L.

"Embrace and love your body, It is the most amazing thing you'll ever own."

Ellie L.

"I love my eyes."

Kaden L.

"I love my glasses, I look cool."

Aria L.

"I love my smile."

Emma G.

"Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible"

Bri S.

 "I love my eyes and my smile and when they are natural they look even more real."

Jasmine F

"If you can't make yourself laugh then who will? Be true to yourself."

Charles V

"Beauty's not just skin deep, be proud of who you are."

Keri T

"My body is a map of my life; wrinkles from lots of laughing and smiling, freckles from adventures in the sun, and my eyes, the doorway to my soul."